
In this paper, we present our approach for 'clean, green and ethical' (CGE) management in small ruminants and dairy cattle, in a context that is relevant to New Zealand livestock industries. We will focus in particular on reproduction and nutrition aspects, with several possibilities for CGE management: 1) control of the timing of reproductive events by using socio-sexual signals (the 'male effect') to induce synchronised ovulation in females; 2) 'focus feeding' - short periods of nutritional supplementation that are precisely timed and specifically designed for each event in the reproductive process; 3) 'nutritional pharmacology' - a term that reflects the possibility of using forages containing 'bioactive' compounds to improve rumen health and efficiency with environmental benefits through the reduction of methane emissions from ruminants; 4) maximizing offspring survival by a combination of management and nutrition; 5) genetic selection for fertility, fecundity and temperament. These tools involve novel ways of manipulating the endogenous control systems and production of animals. Ultimately, the CGE tools can be cost-effective, increase productivity and, at the same time, greatly improve the image of meat and milk industries in society and the marketplace.

GB, Martin, Z Durmic, PR Kenyon, and PE Vercoe

Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 69, Christchurch, 140-147, 2009
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