
Wool samples were collected prior to shearing in two consecutive years from 8 sites over the body of six adult Perendale ewes differing in wool bulk. A skin sample was collected from the same sites in the second year. Fibre curvature and fibre diameter explained between 67 and 94% the variation in core bulk at the different sites. No measured characteristics significantly reduced the unexplained variance across all sites. Intercepts for the relationship between fibre curvature and fibre diameter with core bulk at each site were significantly different but less than the confidence limits associated with core bulk measurement. There were no significant differences in the slopes of the same relationships across the eight sites. Use of a pooled relationship to predict bulk from fibre curvature and fibre diameter is a least-cost option to describe the bulk of a fleece.

RMW, Sumner, and AJ Craven

Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 60, Hamilton, 166-170, 2000
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