The objectives of the Award are to support scientific personnel in New Zealand to maintain international involvement in the study of ruminant reproduction science. In particular the Award is intended to support travel to attend the International Ruminant Reproduction Symposium held every 4 years (ie., 2010, 2014, etc).

Name and Form of Grant

Each disbursement shall be in the form of a financial grant and shall be known as a Ruminant Reproduction Symposium (RRS) Travel Award of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production.

Ruminant Reproduction Symposium Travel Fund

  • An amount of approximately $45,000 shall comprise the capital sum for the Award. This sum shall be invested by the Treasurer according to the rules of the Society and in consultation with the Society’s Management Committee.
  • Income for disbursement as Awards will comprise interest on the capital sum adjusted for inflation, together with any unspent income from previous years.
  • The capital sum may be increased at any time by majority resolution of the Management Committee.
  • The capital sum may not be decreased below the level of the initial capital adjusted for inflation at any time.
  • Applications for the Award will be invited every 4 years with the closing date being 31 October in the year preceding the RRS (ie. 2009, 2013, etc). However, management Committee should reserve some flexibility to special requests for alterations to application deadlines and decisions for invited speakers that may require confirmation one year in advance.
  • The Society’s Management Committee will determine the maximum amount of money that may be disbursed.
  • Each Award should not exceed $3,000.00 adjusted for inflation over time.
  • A financial statement of the Award’s Finances is to be shown in the annual accounts of the Society.

Award Selection Panel

  • The selection panel for the Award will comprise the NZSAP Management Committee plus the NZSAP nominated ICAR representative, to ensure the panel is represented by at least one expert in reproductive science at an international level.

Application for Funds

  • The International Ruminant Reproduction Symposium is historically held every 4 years in September. It can be held in any country, and was hosted in Wellington, New Zealand in September 2006. Upcoming meetings are destined for 2010 and 2014, etc.
  • The Society shall call for applications on one or more occasions beginning January of the year prior to the RRS being held (ie. January 2009, January 2013, etc). Applications must be received by 31 October of that same year; except under extraordinary circumstances.
  • Preference for the Award will be given to scientific personnel wishing to attend and present, especially invited papers, at any RRS meeting. Those wishing to attend to participate in official roles, such as session chair, will also be judged favourably. Those wishing to attend but not present or partake in any official role will require an exceptional case to receive this Award.
  • The applicant need not be a current member of the Society. However, applicants must be science personnel* who have worked a minimum of two years in any New Zealand science research organisation (including Universities).
  • * This includes scientists, technicians, research associates and post-graduate students.
  • Each application will be made in the specified manner as detailed in instructions available from the Society’s website or from the Executive Secretary.
  • Each application must be received by the Executive Secretary by the date specified in each call for applications.
  • The Secretary will notify an applicant that a suitably completed application has been received.

Travel Award Application (Note: use the format of the Animal science award)

Consideration for Awards

  • Applications received by the Executive Secretary will be distributed to members of the Management Committee and the NZSAP nominated ICAR representative.
  • The Treasurer will provide Management Committee with the total amount available for disbursements of Award(s).
  • Each application which meets the stated criteria will be considered on its merits by Management Committee. Each application must be judged by carefully considering its relevance to the stated Objectives.
  • Management Committee’s decision on each application considered at a meeting must be in the form of a motion and an Award can only be made if the motion for approval is carried. The amount of an individual Award must be stated in the motion.
  • Management Committee will indicate to the Executive Secretary any special conditions that may apply if an applicant is to receive an Award.
  • The Executive Secretary will advise an applicant of Management Committee’s decision on their application. If an Award is made, the Executive Secretary will remind the applicant that receiving an Award carries with it the responsibility to submit a report confirming the completion of the travel for which the funds were allocated and that the funds have been used in accordance with the application. A guideline for the report will be included in the Executive Secretary's notification.
  • Members of Management Committee can apply for this Award, but cannot partake in the assessment or decision of their application.
  • In the event that the purpose becomes obsolete (eg. RRS ceases to be held), then use of the Award should be reserved for supporting travel to an alternative international meeting on reproduction science (eg. ICAR).
  • Changes to the preceding guidelines may be made by instruction to the Management Committee from a General Meeting of the Society.